Rules of Behavior


The Beaverdale Public Library is to be used for library purposes only. Any behavior which interferes with such use or which is not consistent with such use is not permitted

The following behavior is not permitted because it interferes with the use of the library by others, is a health or safety hazard or because it is not consistent with the mission of the library. Failure to comply will result in charges of trespassing

No Sleeping, playing games, rough housing or other activities which interfere with library uses.

  • No loitering
  • No Smoking
  • No consuming food or beverages in the library.
  • No playing audio equipment so that others may hear it.
  • No blocking aisles so that access to library materials and services is prevented.
  • No entering unauthorized workspaces or office areas.
  • No using rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards or other sports equipment in the library or on library property.
  • No Littering 

The following will result in criminal charges: Loud, abusive, aggressive, threatening or obscene language or behavior(Disorderly Conduct) Destroying or damaging library books, library materials, furniture  or other property. (Criminal Mischief) Using or distributing drugs. (Criminal Possession of a Controlled substance) Circumventing or attempting to circumvent the library security system. (Library Theft: Summary Offense/Misdemeanor) Tampering with, altering, editing or damaging computer hardware and/or software. (Unlawful Use of a Computer)

  1. B. The Library reserves the right to limit its services to individuals or groups whose excessive inquiries tend to curtail service to the general public. (e.g. Puzzle contestants)
  2. C. The Library reserves the right to deny its services to anyone for the following violations
  1. 1. Failure to return books, DVDs 2. Failure to pay fines 3. Destruction of library property 4. Any objectionable conduct on library premises 



Reach Us

P.O. Box 606
506 Jefferson Avenue
Beaverdale, PA 15921

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