Our 2022 Donors

Northern Cambria Public Library would like to thank our generous donors. The support of our community helps the library throughout the year.

Angela Cambell
Anona Wagner
Beth and Jerry Sholtis
Carol Yachtis
Carolyn Galiczynski
Cynthia M. Rematt
Daniel and Patricia Kelly
David and Sherry Atkins
Deborah Valeria
Deborah Weiland
Drucilla McDonald
Ed Demi
Elizabeth Zaliznock
Frank A. Frontino
Frank and Elaine Bonanno
Gloria Jean Chlopik
Jamie Trybus
Jennifer Kirsch
Jim Myslivy
Joann Sedlock
Joe and Esther Onderko
Kathy Knapik
Lisa Uhron
Lynn Myslivy

Maria Cantaluepo
Marilyn and Jeff Lantzy
Mary Alice Bartock
Mary Ann Strouy
Mel Smith
Michael and Jullian Dumm
Michaelene Clemento
Michelle Stiles
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gauntner
Mr. Eugene Zanella
Mr. Paul J. Etzler III
Mrs. Patricia Ringler
Ms. Kathleen Pompa
Ms. Magdalene Sapp
Nadine Clarke
Nancy Zatorsky
Paul and Kathie Artley
Peter P. Korch, Jr. DDS
R. Gelormino
Richard A. Stossel
Rita Fisanick
Roslyn Bisko
Sally Chervenak
Sandy Yuhes
Steve and Mary Degol
Virginia M. Monealli
Vita Kirsch
Walter and Shirley Marpman
Walter Rogal

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4200 Crawford Avenue
Northern Cambria, PA 15714

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